31st International Input-Output Association Conference
13th Edition of the International School of I-O Analysis
6th - 11th July 2025, Malé, the capital city of the Maldives


Travel Grants


The IIOA uses limited funds as part of its strategy to encourage young scholars meeting certain criteria to enable them to attend IIOA Conferences.

Eligibility and verification

Applicants for a travel grant must:

  • hold a citizenship and reside in Non-High Income Countries (using the World Bank definition). To view the list of eligible countries go here.
  • be valid IIOA members, in particular, paid their membership fees.
  • be under 40 years of age.
  • present an unpublished paper at the IIOA Conference.
  • submit their full paper via COPASS by 28th February 2025 (23:59 hours Central European Time)

Those who received travel grants in any of the three previous IIOA Conferences are excluded from the application process.

The Travel Grant Committee of the IIOA will verify applicant qualifications and bestow the grants to those qualified applicants with the most promising papers. Participants of the Development Programme are given priority for travel grant funding.


To apply for a travel grant, presenters need to ...

  1. upload the PDF of their full paper in COPASS no later than 28th February 2025, 23:59 hours (Central European Time) and
  2. tick the selection box "Apply for the Travel Grant" in COPASS, which is displayed at the very bottom of their Article View page.
  3. tick the selection box "Development Programme" in COPASS to receive priority status for the funding.

If you need any further details or clarifications, please contact:

Christof Paparella
Christof Paparella paparella@iioa.org

Organisers and sponsors
IIOA    Villa College    Maldives Bureau of Statistics    Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation