31st International Input-Output Association Conference
13th Edition of the International School of I-O Analysis
6th - 11th July 2025, Male’, the capital city of the Maldives


Local Organising Committee

There will be two committees: Local Organising Committee (LOC) and Scientific Programme Committee (SPC). Between these two committees, we are confident that we can deliver an exceptional conference for the IIOA in 2025.

The following key people will lead the bid and with the support of a strong network of statisticians, economists, academics, government policy makers and industry professionals across the UK. We plan to invite students, supplemented with the International School of Input-Output Analysis (ISIOA) and Flash Sessions to become part of the LOC support and to engage our next generation of younger scholars in the wide field of I-O analyses.

Local Organising Committee

Dr Ali Najeeb will Chair the LOC, which will arrange conference facilities in coordination with other providers and liaise with the SPC Chair as appropriate. Combined this team will arrange meeting places, presentation equipment, lunches, dinner(s), receptions, refreshment breaks, excursion information, and perhaps activities for accompanying persons. Sanjiv Mahajan, the previous IIOA President, will be supporting the LOC and is one of the sponsors of the 2025 IIOA Conference as well as personally underwriting any additional costs.

Chair: Dr Ali Najeeb, (PhD, MCIPD, CAHRI), Villa College

Dr Najeeb

Dr Ali Najeeb is the Vice Rector and Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Villa College (VC), Maldives and CEO of Bristol Institute of Business Management (BIBM), Sri-Lanka. Dr Najeeb is also:

 • Adjunct Associate Professor at the School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events, Taylor’s University, Malaysia.

 • Chartered Professional Member of Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).

 • Certified Professional Member of Australian Human Resource Institute (AHRI).

Dr Najeeb also holds several advisory roles and membership roles in local and international NGOs and professional bodies.

Dr Najeeb research interests include higher education leadership, governance and management, industrial relations, employment law and labour issues in small island states, migrant workers, HRM/ER in tourism and hospitality industry. Dr Najeeb has published several research papers in international journals, shared his experience in local and international panel discussions and presented his research work in international conferences.

Dr Najeeb is a recipient of the Emerald Literati Award for Excellence 2014 – the outstanding paper award. Dr Najeeb is a former school principal and worked as a Director of the Education and Development Centre in the Ministry of Education. Dr Najeeb is also a former full-time member of the Employment Tribunal, Maldives and is actively engaged in management and corporate consultancy and training.

Vice Chair: Dr Ibrahim Latheef, Villa College

Dr Latheef

Dr Ibrahim Latheef is the Dean of Centre for Postgraduate Studies at Villa College.

Dr Latheef has over 25 years of experience in education with an interest in modern pedagogy and digital instructional design. Dr Ibrahim’s core interest lies in education and research examining how digital technologies mediate human activities impact human consciousness and develop their thinking.

Dr Latheef’s current research and development areas include Mind and Interactivity, the Cultural and Historical impact of technologies on the human mind, Digital games in education, Digital literacy as a way of thinking, Mixed reality in education and Implementing Curriculum using digital technologies. One of the significant projects is a longitudinal study on implementing the Maldives National Curriculum.

Operational Lead: Dr Fazeela Ibrahim, Villa College

Dr Ibrahim

Dr Ibrahim is the Dean of Institute for Research and Innovation (IRI) at Villa College.

Dr Ibrahim’s primary research interests encompass migration, social demography, social mobility, life-course perspectives, climate adaptation and resilience, and international higher education, focusing on the Small Island Development States and Australia.

As Dean of Research, Dr Ibrahim leads research consultancy projects and oversees the annual International Conference on Social Research and Innovation (ICSRI) at Villa College. Dr Ibrahim is pivotal in fostering a vibrant research culture within the institution, spearheading initiatives to enhance research capacity development among academic staff. Dr Ibrahim’s dedication to advancing evidence-based knowledge and building research excellence continues to contribute significantly to the academic and social development of the Maldives.

LOC Support: Sanjiv Mahajan, Office for National Statistics (UK) and previous President of the IIOA

Sanjiv Mahajan

Sanjiv Mahajan is currently the Head of Methods and Research Engagement in the Office for National Statistics (ONS), United Kingdom. Sanjiv has developed a unique blend of detailed knowledge and experience reflecting practical compilation, conceptual development, pushing through various EU statistical legislation and leading the introduction and implementation of many new initiatives improving economic statistics in the UK and beyond. Sanjiv is recognised internationally as an expert in National Accounts and Input-Output.

Sanjiv is a Supporting Editor on the 2025 SNA; Member of the UN Advisory Expert Group (AEG) on National Accounts; Chaired the UN Communications Task Force; Council Member of the International Association of Research in Income and Wealth; and a former President of the International Input-Output Association (2022-24) – first ever person from any statistical office in the world. Sanjiv was also the Chief Editor of the UN Handbook on Supply and Use Tables and Input-Output Tables with Extensions and Applications (2018).

2025 IIOA Conference LOC Support Team

The core team members for the LOC Support Team will be supported by people from Villa College and beyond. The LOC Support Team (as at 7th March 2025) will be as follows:

• Dr Mohamed AdilDeputy Vice Rector, Research and Innovation, Villa College
• Dr Abdulla SadiqDeputy Vice Rector, Academic and Students, Villa College
• Mr Abdul Munnim Mohamed ManikDeputy Vice Rector, Administration & Finance, Villa College
• Mr Ismail NasheedDirector, Stakeholder Engagement
• Ms Fathimath NadhaDirector, Finance Department, Villa College
• Mr Mohamed ShafeegDirector, Centre for Information and Communications Technology, Villa College
• Mr Ahmed Naseer YoosufChief of Examinations, Office of Examinations, Villa College
• Ms Nizna Ali DidiDirector, Marketing and Communication, Villa College
• Mr Ali Hamoodh HassanSenior Manager, HR, Villa College
• Ms Fathimath ShifazaDirector, Policy and International Relations, Villa College
• Mr Abdulla NaseerAssistant Director, Operations, Villa College
• Mr Ali ShareefDirector, Centre for Foundation Studies, Villa College
• Mr Margret Vijay .SDirector, Centre for Open and Distance Learning, Villa College
• Ms Hawwa Alishan Abdul HannanManager, Institute for Research and Innovation, Villa College
• Ms Aishath HassanChief Statistician, Maldives Bureau of Statistics
• Ms Aishath ShahudaDeputy Chief Statistician, Maldives Bureau of Statistics
• Ms Sabeeha AhmedChief Operating Officer, Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation
• Mr Ahmed RauhaanSenior Manager - Business Development, Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation
• Ms Reesha RasheedManager - Destination Marketing, Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation
• Mr Mohamed Michael AhmedAssistant Marketing Executive, Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation

The LOC Members are very grateful and appreciate the support and input from all the 2025 IIOA LOC Support Team Members. Individually and collectively, their contribution will form a critical input to the success of the 2025 IIOA Conference.

Organisers and sponsors
IIOA    Villa College    Maldives Bureau of Statistics    Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation