31st International Input-Output Association Conference
13th Edition of the International School of I-O Analysis
6th - 11th July 2025, Male’, the capital city of the Maldives


IIOA Development Programme 2025


Attendees to the 2025 IIOA Conference in Male’ are invited to apply for participation in the Development Programme – an event pioneered in the IIOA conferences since 2019.

The scheme aims to provide young researchers with the opportunity to learn from experienced members of the community, ultimately improving the quality of their papers. The core idea is that conference organizers will assign an experienced discussant to each presentation. The discussant will offer feedback during the session, not only on methods and data but also on the paper’s structure, style, and overall coherence. Additionally, they will address issues such as positioning the study within the existing literature and making it accessible to a broader audience. Participants will also have the chance to engage directly with their discussants to seek specific guidance.

Other conference participants will be invited to attend the Development Programme sessions as well and are encouraged to contribute to the discussions.

Session format

Each session will be devoted to two papers and 45 minutes will be spent on a paper, according to the following format:

• Each presentation • 15 minutes
• Comments by the discussant • 20 minutes
• Question and answer with attendees • 10 minutes

Note that the presentations should be focused on the research questions, key findings and implications rather than on the detailed deployment of methodology.

Prerequisites for presentation

  • At the deadline for application (February 28, 2025), the presenting author should be under 40 years of age or within four years after obtaining a PhD degree.
  • The paper to be presented must be unpublished work of substantial quality, i.e. that a future version might satisfy the academic standards expected for publication in Economic Systems Research or comparable journals.
  • An appropriate discussant for the paper (in terms of experience and specialization) can be found within the group of conference attendees.

Application procedure

Prior to the application for the Development Programme, one must have:

  • registered in COPASS;
  • submitted an abstract and a full paper by the deadline (see Important Dates).

Other points to follow:

  • If under 40, one will see a checkbox in his/her own individual paper page in COPASS. Please mark it to apply for the Development Programme.
  • If eligible for an IIOA Travel Grant, one will see a checkbox in his/her own individual paper page in COPASS. Please mark it to apply for a Travel Grant.
  • If you are over 40 but still within four years after obtaining a PhD degree, please send your full paper directly to the Development Programme organizer at Simone Grabner (simone.maria.grabner@gmail.com) with the message title "DP application".

Important notes:

  • Participation in the Development Programme can be pursued for only ONE paper per author.
  • Authors of papers that were presented in the 2023 and 2024 Development Programmes cannot apply for inclusion in the 2024 Development Programme.
  • The submitted full paper can be revised until June 1, 2025 but it must remain unchanged afterwards (to ensure that the discussant gives comments on the most recent version).
  • Applicants will be notified about decisions regarding admission by April 14, 2025.
  • In order to confirm participation, the successful applicants are requested to complete the payment of conference fee (as specified in the conference website) within ONE WEEK from the notification of acceptance. Please prepare for the payment well in advance.
  • The papers of unsuccessful applicants will automatically be included in a regular session, if (and only if) the abstract has been accepted by the Scientific Programme Committee.

If you would have questions, please send a message to the organizer of the Development Programme, Simone Grabner (simone.maria.grabner@gmail.com).

Organisers and sponsors
IIOA    Villa College    Maldives Bureau of Statistics    Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation