30th International Input-Output Association Conference
12th Edition of the International School of I-O Analysis
1st - 5th July 2024, Santiago, Chile


Young Researchers' Night

Welcome to the Young Researcher’s Night 2024 on Tuesday, July 2nd. Please sign up when registering for the conference, to make sure you don't miss a night of fun and games and networking!


The Young Researchers’ Night has become a regular and popular feature of the IIOA Conference since the 2016 IIOA Conference in Seoul, Korea. This evening event provides an excellent opportunity for networking between attendees of all ages, topic interests, etc. but is primarily trying to focus on the young scholar to develop existing work, new ideas, contacts, friendships, etc. in a non-formal environment and atmosphere. However, not only the young are invited but everyone who feels young and those who want to connect with the young is more than welcome.

2024 IIOA Young Researchers’ Night venue and location


Restaurante Rosita El Mañío

The details are as follows:

Date and time

The Young Researchers’ Night will be held at 18:30 on Tuesday, 2nd July 2024.

Contact the organizers

If you have any questions or clarifications, please contact the organizers below.

Kailan Tian (k.tian@amss.ac.cn)

Heran Zheng (heran.zheng@ucl.ac.uk)

Jiyoung Kim (jiyoung@okayama-u.ac.jp)