30th International Input-Output Association Conference
12th Edition of the International School of I-O Analysis
1st - 5th July 2024, Santiago, Chile


Flash Presentation Competition sessions

Morning of Thursday 4th July & Friday 5th July 2024.
These sessions will be held in the Prebisch room from 9:00 to 9:30 before the Plenary session on Thursday 4th and Friday 5th.

Showcase your research
Quickly convince your fellow researchers about your idea(s)
Advertise your full presentation and paper
Aim to win a prize


The Flash Presentation Competition sessions have been included in the IIOA Conference Program since the 2013 Conference in Kitakyushu, Japan. These sessions are now firmly established, and the prizes have been renamed to the "Fellows prize" sponsored by the IIOA fellows.

Presentation Rules

The guidance and rules for each presentation is as follows:

  • Each presentation is a maximum of “four” minutes. After four minutes, the speaker is not allowed to say another word.
  • Maximum “three” slides of PowerPoint or PDF. Playing a recorded video is strictly forbidden!
  • During the four minutes, there is no time for discussion or interruption.
  • You can present whatever you want! The topic is open - it can cover the paper being presented at the IIOA Conference or an evolving idea.

Voting Rules

The voting rules applied are:

  • Only the Audience attending the ENTIRE session can vote.
  • The organizers will send out Electronic Voting Links.
  • The organizers will help the audience without smartphone or laptop to vote at the door.


The winners will be selected from the presentations across the three sessions using the Audience Vote to inform the decision-making process.
Three prizes of $200 each or four prizes of $150 each will be awarded – dependent upon the quality of the winning presentations.
Prize winners will be announced in the Closing Ceremony on Friday, 5th July 2024.
If you have any questions or clarifications, please contact the organizers below.

How to Participate

It will be on a first come, first served basis!
If, and only if, the number of participants exceeds the number of available slots, younger scholars will get priority. Please send your email seeking participation to the organizers (listed below) at your earliest convenience. The last date for application is 15th June 2024. The application should contain:

  • The name and affiliation of the speaker.
  • The title of the presentation.
  • The year in which you obtained your degree or are expected to obtain it (or up to four years after getting a degree or PhD).
  • Title your message as “Flash session IIOA”.

Contact the organizers

If you have any questions or clarifications, please contact the organizers below.

Jiyoung Kim (jiyoung@okayama-u.ac.jp)

Heran Zheng (heran.zheng@ucl.ac.uk)

Kailan Tian (k.tian@amss.ac.cn)