29th International Input-Output Association Conference
11th Edition of the International School of I-O Analysis
25th - 30th June 2023, Alghero, Italy


11th Edition of the International School of I-O Analysis


The ISIOA since 2011 continues to grow as an event and is now a key feature of the annual IIOA Conference. This event provides a notable and unique training and educational opportunity in the field of Input Output for all attendees.

Background of the ISIOA

In 2010, in the 18th IIOA Conference in Sydney, Australia, a set of three training sessions, mainly orientated to young scholars were provided which were very well attended and exceptionally well received. These pioneering sessions were provided by Sanjiv Mahajan (over 50 people attended), Juan Carlos Parra and Thijs ten Raa.

The successful nature of this initiative turned out to be the springboard to officially setting-up the International School of Input-Output Analysis (ISIOA), launched a year later in the 2011 IIOA Conference in Alexandria, USA. The presentations in the 1st Edition were provided by Sanjiv Mahajan, Joy Murray and Susana Santos.

The logistics and early work was driven, planned and organised by José M. Rueda-Cantuche supported by Geoffrey Hewings, Erik Dietzenbacher and Albert E. Steenge as well as the trainers.

Since the introduction of the ISIOA, the IIOA has incorporated in each of its annual IIOA Conferences, an annual Edition of the ISIOA.

The 29th IIOA Conference in Alghero (Italy) will hold the 11th Edition of the ISIOA.

Aim of the ISIOA

The aim is to train younger scholars in the use of standard tools of I-O analysis in a broad sense and encouraging direct communication and/or collaboration between scholars and renowned researchers/ lecturers in the field.

In addition, the ISIOA plays a relevant role in the support of international workshops for groups of scholars and/or researchers coming from areas in the world with a low tradition in I-O related studies and with manifested interest in advancing the field in a broad sense.

Organisation of the ISIOA

At each annual IIOA Conference, the Directorate of the School prepares every year Modules of Teaching Sessions, which can vary in number with a maximum of six per year. The Modules deal with core topics of interest in I-O analysis and building on the feedback from previous Editions. Each Module is led by one or various lecturers and consists of four teaching sessions.

There are usually two events: the first, usually consists of an ISIOA Reception on the evening prior to the school day, aiming to introduce the lecturers and any logistics related to the Module; and the second, the school day itself, the teaching sessions.

The location and other details will be announced nearer the time. A flavour of the type of themes in the past include:

  • Environmentally Extended Input-Output Analysis;
  • Construction of Supply and Use Tables and Input-Output Tables;
  • Tourism and other Satellite Accounts;
  • Structural Decomposition Analysis;
  • Measuring Productivity Growth;
  • Global value chain analysis;
  • Econometric input-output modelling;
  • Computable general equilibrium models;
  • Estimation of Multi-Regional Input-Output Tables; and
  • Construction of Social Accounting Matrices.

Details for the 2023 ISIOA

The IIOA will organise at the 29th IIOA Conference, the 11th Edition of the International School of Input-Output Analysis (ISIOA).

The 2023 ISIOA will be held in the  Ex-Ospedale Santa Chiara (Muralla de l'Hospital), Alghero, Italy. There will be a reception held for the tutors, attendees and IIOA Council Members in the SARTORIA DEL GUSTO at 17:30 on Sunday, 25th June 2023. The actual training modules will run split in four sessions from 09:00 to 17:30 on Monday, 26th June 2023.

  • Introduction
  • Training module

    • Module: Input-Output Analysis: theory and applications in R
      Lecturer: Vinícius de Almeida Vale
      From: Universidade Federal do Paraná (Brasil)
      Download: ISIOA2023_Module01_IO_R_Vincius_Vale.pdf
    • Module: Assessing and modelling circular economy strategies with Input-Output data 
      Lecturer: Franco Donati
      From: Universiteit Leiden (Netherlands)
      Download: ISIOA2023_Module02_Donati.pdf
    • Module: Dynamic Neo-Keynesian general equilibrium models in R
      Lecturers: Frédéric Reynès and Anissa Saumtally
      From: Netherlands Economic Observatory (Netherlands) and OFCE Sciences Po Research Centre (France)
      Download: ISIOA2023_Module03_Frederic_Anissa.pdf
    • Module: Ownership-extended SUIOT: introducing firm heterogeneity by MNE-affiliation into supply-and-use and input-output tables 
      Lecturers: Caroline Hambÿe and Bernhard Michel
      From: Federal Planning Bureau - Input-Output Division (Belgium)
      Download: ISIOA2023_Module04_Bernhard_Caroline.pdf
    • Module:   Applied General Equilibrium: from Input-Output to AGE through Social Accounting Matrix
      Lecturer: Manuel Alejandro Cardenete
      From: University Loyola (Spain) & Georgetown University (USA)
      Download: ISIOA2023_Module05_Cardenete.pdf

  • Registration form

In order to register for one of the 2023 ISIOA Training Modules:

  • Complete the Registration form in the link above.
  • Email a brief CV and a copy of your registration confirmation for the 29th IIOA Conference (i.e. a confirmation payment) to:
  • Please put “[ISIOA 2023] *your surname*” in the email subject heading.
  • Deadline for the application for the ISIOA is Thursday, 1st June 2023.

The final list of participants will be published in early May 2023, around one month prior to the IIOA Conference on this web page. In order to be eligible for the final list, participants should have paid the registration fee for the IIOA Conference by Monday, 1st June, 2023.

The list of participants, including observers, for the 2023 ISIOA can be found below:

Participant list – 2023

In the meantime, if you want any specific details or clarifications, please contact either:

Luis E. Pedauga
Head of the ISIOA

 or both

Giorgio Garau
Local Chair name

Joint Research Centre (JRC) The International Input-Output Association (IIOA) Associazione InputOutput 2023 Università degli Studi di Sassari Comune di Alghero Fondazione Alghero