Call for PapersGoal of the conferenceThe goal of the conference is to promote and stimulate the worldwide exchange of ideas among economists between them and government officials, policy makers, engineers, national accountants and managers with interests in input-output analysis and related methods. Mode of ParticipationIndividual submissions We ask that author(s) submit their names, institutional affiliation(s), the paper title and an abstract of the presentation (of not more than 300 but not less than 200 words) and select a topic from the list provided.
Abstracts are individually reviewed by members of the scientific committee before they can be accepted for inclusion in the conference program. Authors are requested to provide in abstracts the following information about the submitted articles: 1) the research question,Failing to do this may disadvantage the selection of the article. On the other hand, if a corresponding full paper (of at least 2,000 words) is accompanied at the time of abstract submission, it will significantly increase the possibility of acceptance. Each author is permitted to present a maximum of two papers at the conference but can of course be a co-author of a number of submitted papers. Organized Sessions
At previous International Input-Output Conferences, organized sessions organized by attendees have been most successful in terms of the number of attendance and participant interaction. For this reason, we strongly encourage proposals for sets of thematic sessions. In proposing such sessions or sets of sessions, as soon as is possible please send the Chair of the Scientific Program Committee(SPC) an e-mail including: 1) title(s) of the organized session(s)Once the session proposal is accepted by the SPC Chair, the abstract of individual article should follow the information as specified above for each of the presentations planned for the proposed sessions. Paper submissionsPlease follow the navigation through our online article submission system “COPASS”. https://copass.iioa.org. Please fill in the requested data (title, abstract, names of all authors, e-mail address, preferred day of presentation, etc.) and select an appropriate topic for the abstract. Once the abstract is accepted, please submit full paper via https://copass.iioa.org by the specified deadline. A paper with more than 2,000 words shall be considered a full paper for the submission. Please note that (1) Acceptance of an abstract, Also, the SPC Chair reserves the right to withdraw any article from the program if it is found that the corresponding presenter shall not show up to the conference. Due to an increasing number of participants in the IIOA conferences, the Scientific Program Committee puts every effort to make the best use of available slots in the program, by reducing no-shows as possible as they can. We sincerely ask for the earliest notification to the SPC Chair (one day beforehand at the latest) if a presenter finds him/herself unavailable for a presentation at the conference. Travel GrantsThe IIOA has limited funds to encourage young experts holding a citizenship and residing in non-High Income Countries (World Bank definition) to attend the conference. To view the list of eligible countries go here. Applicants must be valid IIOA members born after 1976 and must also present an unpublished paper. Those who received travel grants in any of the three previous IIOA Conferences are excluded from the application process. The Travel Grant Committee of the IIOA will verify applicant qualifications and bestow the grants to those qualified applicants with the most promising papers. Besides COPASS submission, authors who wish to apply for a travel grant should submit their full paper to the SPC Chair by the specified deadline. Leontief Memorial PrizeThe IIOA is pleased to announce a Leontief Memorial Prize 2017 for the best conference paper of young authors (born after 1976, unpublished work combining theory and application). All co-authors must meet the above “young author” criteria. The Leontief Memorial Prize Committee of the IIOA will verify applicant qualifications and select the winning paper, which will be automatically considered for publication in the journal of the Association, Economic Systems Research. Besides COPASS submission, authors who want to compete for the 2017 Leontief Memorial Prize should submit their full paper to the SPC Chair by the specified deadline. |