24th International Input-Output Conference
& 6th Edition of the International School of I-O Analysis
4-8 July 2016, Korea, Seoul


Access to the Venue

Overview of Directions to the Yonsei University

From Sinchon(新村, 신촌)station, it takes about 20~30 minutes by walk to the Daewoo Hall(Main Conference Venue), and 10~15 minutes by walk to the Engineering Research Park(Welcome Reception Venue). Please note that Sinchon and Sincheon( 新川, 신천) are different stations!

Detailed Directions to the Yonsei University

Taking the subway is the most convenient way to reach Yonsei University. From the Exit Number 3 of Sinchon Station(Seoul Subway Line #2), you will see a scene like this. Go straight down the road.

This is a picture taken from the midway between Sinchon station and the Yonsei University

Before crossing the road, you can see the engineering research park which is the venue for the welcome reception. The Welcome Reception will be held at B1F of the Engineering Research Park.

After crossing the road, now you are at the front gate of the Yonsei University. It is about 500 meters from the Sinchon Station. The Engineering Research Park is right next to the Main Gate.

Going down the road after the main gate, you will see a long road which is called “Baek- Yang-Ro”. Go along this road until you see the Underwood Hall(The main administrative building of Yonsei Univeristy).

This is the Underwood Hall. You can detour this building in either of left or right side, but I will choose left side of this building.

Climbing up the hill, you finally arrived at the Daewoo Hall!

Useful Links

Seoul Subway Map: https://www.smrt.co.kr/program/cyberStation/main2.jsp?lang=e

Yonsei University Map: http://www.yonsei.ac.kr/en_sc/intro/directions1.jsp