Leontief Memorial Prize
The IIOA is pleased to announce a Leontief Memorial Prize 2010 for the best conference paper of young authors (born after 1969, unpublished work, work combining theory and application) of the forthcoming International Input-Output Conference in Sydney. The Leontief Memorial Prize Committee of the IIOA will select the winning paper, which will be published in Economic Systems Research. Authors who would like to compete for the 2010 Leontief Memorial Prize should submit their full paper to the Chair of the Scientific Programme Committee and the Chair of the Local Organizing Committee by February 28, 2010.


Chair of the Local Organizing Committee:
Manfred Lenzen
Acting Chair of the Local Organizing Committee:
Jodie Gonzalez Jennings
ISA, School of Physics, A28
The University of Sydney NSW 2006
Australia, isa@physics.usyd.edu.au 

  Chair of the Scientific  
  Programme Committee 
José M. Rueda-Cantuche
Joint Research Centre-IPTS,
European Commission