The International Input-Output Association (IIOA) is a non-profit, scientific organisation founded in 1988. The IIOA today is a thriving, growing and influential organisation with 845 members spanning 63 countries.

The objective of the IIOA is the advancement of knowledge in the field of Input-Output data compilation and analysis, including improvements in basic data, theoretical insights and modelling, and applications - traditional and novel - of Input-Output techniques. The IIOA delivers its core objectives by supporting young scholars, widening the awareness of the organisation, providing exchange of experience through our global annual IIOA Conference.

The global IIOA community brings together both producers (e.g. national statistical offices) of the statistics needed and the wide range of users, analysts and policy makers to advance knowledge on energy, environment, international trade, financial flows, price and general equilibrium analysis, ecological sustainability and well-being.

We welcome you to browse through the IIOA webpages, contact one of our Council Members, and to attend our annual conferences to learn more of the IIOA and its activities.

We also encourage you to become a Member of the IIOA by registering here.


CALL FOR PAPERS: 16th Geoffrey J.D. Hewings Regional Economics Workshop, Vienna, September 24 - 26, 2025.

The Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) is very pleased to announce the 16th Regional Economics Workshop in honour of Geoffrey J.D. Hewings, Emeritus Professor of Economics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and member of WIFO's Scientific Board.

Details: CallforPapers_2025_final.pdf

The latest IIOA newsletter is available.

A PhD position is available in the Sustainability Assessment Program at UNSW Sydney

Location: UNSW Sydney, Kensington Campus, NSW 2052, Sydney, Australia
Open To: Australian residents and outstanding international candidates
Remuneration: $37,684 per annum for three years

More details: Modelling degrowth futures to meet ambitious climate targets in Australia

31st International Input-Output Association Conference and 13th Edition of the International School of I-O Analysis 6th - 11th July 2025, Male’, the capital city of the Maldives

Conference Website

CfP IO-Workshop 2025

We would like to draw your attention to next year's IO Workshop. The Call for Papers are attached in English and German.

As always, the workshop will take place at the end of March 2025. However, the location will be different this time. The workshop will be traveling and will be hosted in Groningen - at the University of Groningen - in 2025. We are very happy that Prof. Dr. Erik Dietzenbacher and his team are supporting us.

All further information can be found in the Call for Paper. Abstracts can be submitted until the end of January 2025. As always, participation is also possible without a presentation. We are also very happy to receive suggestions for special sessions.

Call for Papers in English: IO-Workshop-2025_Call for Paper_en.pdf

Call for Papers in German: IO-Workshop-2025_Call for Paper_de.pdf

Announcement - 2025 IIOA Conference – Save the date in your diaries

Dear valued IIOA Members,

On behalf of the IIOA Council. This note is informing you of the 31st International Input-Output Association Conference and the 13th Edition of the International School of Input-Output Analysis (ISIOA).

The location will be: Male’, the capital city of the Maldives (please note, this is on the main island and NOT the resort islands).

Dates for your diary: 6-11 July 2025 (we have had to adjust the original dates to avoid other conference and events)

It is our great pleasure that the Maldives Government together with various bodies: Maldives Bureau of Statistics; Ministry of Housing, Land and Urban Development; Villa College; and Maldives Marketing & Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC) will host the 2025 IIOA Conference.

The ISIOA sessions will be held at the Villa College.

The Local Organisation Committee (LOC) Chair and lead team will be:

Mohamed Faiz  (Chair of LOC)

Minister of State for Housing, Land and Urban Development

Ministry of Housing, Land and Urban Development


Dr. Ibrahim Latheef (Deputy Chair of LOC)

Dean (Adjunct - Assistant Professor of FES & FET)

Villa College


Aishath Hassan (Operational lead)

Chief Statistician

Maldives Bureau of Statistics

The Scientific Programme Committee (SPC) Chair will be: Cuihong Yang (Professor, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS).

The Conference Liaison Officer (CLO) will be: Kuishuang Feng (Associate Professor, Department of Geographical Sciences, University of Maryland).

In our usual style, a specific Conference Webpage for Male’ will be set up on the IIOA website and further details will follow soon.

So, please start thinking of possible ideas, papers and presentations as we announce further details and key dates, in particular the Call for Papers which will be very soon.

Also, the Conference next year will be the 75th year of the first IIOA Conference in 1950, in Driebergen, The Netherlands. Any ideas to celebrate this occasion are welcomed.

Look forward to seeing you in Male’.

Best regards

Your IIOA Team

Announcement - 2024 IIOA Conference - Save the date in your diaries

Dear valued IIOA Members,

On behalf of the IIOA Council. This note is informing you of the 30th International Input-Output Association Conference and the 12th Edition of the International School of Input-Output Analysis (ISIOA).

The location will be: Santiago, Chile

Dates for your diary: 1-5 July 2024

It is our great pleasure that the UN ECLAC will be hosting the IIOA Conference together with the Andrés Bello University, the Central Bank of Chile and the Chilean Foreign Ministry. The ISIOA sessions will be held at the esteemed Andrés Bello University.

The LOC Chair will be: José E. Durán Lima (Economic Affairs Officer, Chief, Regional Integration Unit, International Trade and Integration Division, UN ECLAC).

The SPC Chair will be: Luis Enrique Pedauga (Economic Analyst at European Commission and Associate Professor at Universidad de León).

We will have a new role liaising between the LOC and SPC, a Conference Liaison Officer (CLO), this will be: Kuishuang Feng (Associate Professor, University of Maryland).

In our usual style, a specific Conference Webpage for Santiago will be set up and further details will follow soon.

So, please start thinking of possible ideas, papers and presentations as we announce further details and key dates, in particular the Call for Papers.

Look forward to seeing you in Santiago.

Best regards
Your IIOA Team

29th IIOA Conference in Alghero, 25-30 June 2023, a beautiful Closing Video

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International Input-Output Association (IIOA) • Urbangasse 16/19 • A-1170, Vienna, Austria
• Fax: (+43) 1 798 93 86 • Web: • Email:
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